Use our app in iOS or Android
- Available for iOS and Android.
- Login to your web client; details can be found in your welcome email.
- Click on your avatar in the top right and select “Scan QR Code”.
- Open the app, scan the QR and you’re all set!
Enjoy an Integrated Phone System from an Experienced Provider That’s Simple and Scalable.
Starting @ $25 per user
Connecting staff, clients and prospects with a complete flat rate PBX phone system and hardware free solution.
Vizuliation to convey what this Net Parameter Score means fast.
We achieved a 90% with our customers.
Apple’s NPS score in 2017 was a resounding 72.
This is a company that will do whatever it takes so your bottom line can improve. To get us up to par and to straighten out our issues, Protected Harbor technicians spent almost 72 hours here! And because they work with other schools, they are able to guide us and tell us to do what’s best for the students which is invaluable.